httpvh:// It’s a baby swappable! They are awesome to fly and I will work on getting the plans and build videos up soon. Sorry for the late video but, family has taken a lot of time away from the show and my time to work on it. Hope you enjoy
BusyBee TV – Scratch Build Troubleshooting (Part 1)
httpvh:// Part 2 will be up in 2 weeks due to my brother’s Eagle Scout Ceremony. Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss it!
KFPV450 Build (Part 1)
Here’s a new plane that I have been working on, its called the KFPV450 because it is going to have a KFm4 airfoil, will fly FPV and has a 50 inch wingspan. The design is by me, and is roughly based off of the ZII.