A little while ago I did an interview with Dick Kline. There I told everyone about the project I was going to do, which was to test the KF airfoils and compare them to a traditional airfoil (an Armin wing). So lets start building!
BusyBee TV – Ultra Micro T-28 Review
httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMIFKjhjPuA This week I review the Ultra Micro T-28 Trojan by Parkzone. This is a really fun plane and if you are an intermediate pilot, I recommend you getting one.
BusyBee TV – $50 Plane Challenge
httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tt_QMm2SEjQ It’s a baby swappable! They are awesome to fly and I will work on getting the plans and build videos up soon. Sorry for the late video but, family has taken a lot of time away from the show and my time to work on it. Hope you enjoy
HobbyKing FPV Camera Fix
Recently, I purchased a 1/3-inch SONY CCD Video Camera from Hobby King for an FPV backpack so that I can fly FPV on all my planes. When it finally came in the mail, I took the camera out and its corresponding cable.