Spring Break has come and gone, but at least it wasn’t an unproductive vacation. I got many things done, includingthree planes and several minor projects and videos. Here are the planes:
The RCPowers F-35 parkflyer. This thing is fast! So, I haven’t flown it much because I haven’t been to a big field lately. When I do, though, I will make sure to make a video.
This is a scratch built Cessna 152, of my design. It is made mostly out of blue core foam (used for installation) that I glued and sanded, a lot!! to get the body and the wing. The tail is made from DollarTree Readiboard brand paperback foam. These two foams are my new favorite building materials for making planes. More on the Cessna 152 coming soon!
Last, but not least, is the FPV40 by schraut5, here is his video. I am going to share more details about mine in and upcoming video. Spring Break was fun and I got a lot done, I hope you had a productive spring break to!