Tricopter Build Log: 3


I did so much today! And I am really tired because of it. First off, I started the day off with my printer. I printed out the rest of the parts for the tricopter as well as redesigning and reprinting a new body. While that was being printed I dismantled my old tricopter 🙁 it was sad. But on a happier note I have 3 brand new motors and ESCs so I might be making some combat planes sometime soon. After that all the pieces were made for the tricopter so time for assembly.



My Cupcake is awesome and it printed all morning without any issues. I am really pleased!



I put all the screws on all the motor mounts and then bolted them on the newly painted arms. That morning I painted the arms black, I put a very light coat on and it barely added any weight.



Ta Da!! It’s so pretty! I had to add little pieces of wood to both sides of the middle arm for the GoPro to sit on (in the front) and for the battery to be Velcroed to (in the middle). Besides that, all of the physical attributes are done, time for electronics.

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2 thoughts on “Tricopter Build Log: 3

  1. Hey Lucas. What motors are you using?

    Here is a link to the motors. In my tricopter V2.5 series I am posting all the parts and designs.

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